SelectMenu migration

The Primer SelectPanel component in Primer ViewComponents should be used in place of the SelectMenu component from Primer CSS. It provides a number of accessibility improvements over the CSS component, supports multiple data fetching strategies, customizable filtering behavior, and more.

The show button

SelectMenus are powered by two native elements. The <details> element contains the list of menu items while the <summary> element typically contains a button that opens the menu.

SelectPanels work in a similar fashion. Rather than a <summary> element however, SelectPanels use the show_button slot, which renders a Primer button.

<%= render( do |panel| %>
<% panel.with_show_button { "Click me" } %>
<% end %>

Panels can also be opened in JavaScript by calling the show() method.


Panels are dialogs

SelectMenus wrap their <summary>/<details> elements inside the <details-dialog> element to display their items in a modal dialog. SelectPanels have this functionality built in, i.e. there is no need to wrap them in any additional elements.

SelectPanels are anchored to their show buttons. In other words, they appear attached to their show buttons and act like menus or popovers. However, SelectPanels use the native <dialog> element under the hood and therefore exhibit dialog behavior -- they trap focus, prevent scrolling content under the dialog, etc. SelectMenus by contrast are not backed by dialogs; they do not trap focus and do not prevent page scrolling.

Choosing a fetch strategy

It is common for usages of SelectMenu to fetch list items from a remote server using the <include-fragment> or <remote-input> elements. SelectPanels also use these elements, but do so automatically "under the hood" depending on the configured fetch strategy.

ElementFetch strategyDescription
<remote-input>:remote (default)Items are fetched from the server whenever the user types into the filter input text field.
<include-fragment>:eventually_localItems are fetched once when the panel opens for the first time.
None, i.e. a static list:localNo remote requests are made.

For the :remote and :eventually_local fetch strategies, items are fetched using the URL provided in the src: argument.

<%= render(
fetch_strategy: :remote, # this is the default, shown here for demo purposes
src: probably_some_rails_path_helper
)) %>

Rendering list items

When rendering a static list (i.e. using the :local fetch strategy), use the item slot to define list items. label: is the only required argument.

<%= render( do |panel| %>
<% panel.with_item(label: "My item") %>
<% end %>

When rendering a dynamic list where items are fetched from a remote server, the SelectPanel component expects remote responses to render instances of Primer::Alpha::SelectPanel::ItemList. The ItemList component is the same component that static SelectPanels use to render list items.

<%= render( do |list| %>
<% list.with_item(label: "My item") %>
<% end %>

HTML fragments

Note that both the <include-fragment> and <remote-input> elements that SelectPanel uses under the hood require that responses have a content type of text/fragment+html. See the SelectPanel docs for details.

Choosing a select variant

SelectPanels automatically manage list item state, including which items are checked (or "active" in SelectPanel and ActionList parlance). Items can be marked as checked by passing active: true to the item's constructor.

<%= render( do |panel| %>
<% panel.with_item(label: "My item", active: true) %>
<% end %>

In addition to supporting single-select (the default), SelectPanels also support multi-select behavior. Selection behavior can be controlled via the select_variant: argument. Options are :single (the default) and :multiple.

<%= render(
select_variant: :multiple
)) %>
When rendering panels and their corresponding dynamic list items, make sure to pass the same select_variant: argument to both and, or you may experience unexpected behavior.

Identifying list items

When using the :remote fetch strategy in combination with single- or multi-select modes, list items must be uniquely identifiable via the value: argument so the component can "remember" which list items the user has selected. This is important because the component needs a mechanism by which it can reconcile items selected in the client and items the server reports as selected. Neglecting to provide values can lead to unexpected selection behavior.

<%= render(
select_variant: :multiple,
fetch_strategy: :remote
)) do |panel| %>
<% panel.with_item(label: "Apples", content_arguments: { data: { value: "apples" } }) %>
<% panel.with_item(label: "Bananas", content_arguments: { data: { value: "bananas" } }) %>
<% end %>

Loading behavior

The SelectPanel component automatically displays Spinners during initial and subsequent remote fetches and announces to screen reader users when requests have succeeded or failed. There is no need to render custom spinners or make custom announcements as must often be done for SelectMenus.

Where to go next

  1. The official SelectPanel docs
  2. Have questions? Hop into the #primer-rails Slack channel.